Reply from Bryan for Monica, Child's Age I am 17 - 7/4/03 - IP#:   parbb-c1426

I agree with what you did with your daughter but have you ever tried anything else. How long does it take your daughter to get to sleep on avg. and is she normally a sound sleeper. Now I dont think alarms are always the best means but they might somtimes be the only means to get rid of the problem. In the summertime would be the best time to try to get her to stop (assuming) because she can always get to sleep in in the morning. Now I am not trying to say your doing the wrong thing and yes reader is an idiot but if you can get rid of the problem dont you think you should. Okay next question does your daughter diaper herself or do you do if for her. I defentally think at her age she should do it for herself unless shes unable to. Now I am a tb myself probably because of alot of this and i dont want your daughter to become the same (not that I think it hurts anything if she does) well anyway if u or your daughter ever want to email me u can do it at byebye. Bryan