Reply from Reader, Child's Age n/a - 7/2/03 - IP#:   parbb-c1422

Hi Bob, Let me preface this by saying that composing a letter in a 4" X 1" box is hard. My advice is quite simple. Don't put your kid back in diapers if at all possible. If your child is retarded or an invalid, that's a different matter. IF it's not possible to avoid diapers, make the time spent in them as brief as possible. Don't let your kid sit around in wet diapers ever. Make your child get up and change himself at 2am if he has wet. DON'T let your child wear wet diapers during breakfast. Wake the kid up and head them straight to the shower. Don't diaper your kid for bed until they have spent a good 20 minutes on the toilet. Then, it is straight to bed. None of this watching tv diapered an hour early stuff. Make diaper use as annoying and inconvenient for the kid as the bedwetting is to you. NOTE, that means it's a pain in the butt for the kid, not a punishment. Never let the kid feel humiliated (that is the genesis of a fetish) about the diapers or bedwetting. Don't let your child begin soiling like Denise has. Best of all, make the kid deal with his bedwetting. A 12 year old bedwetter (other than the special cases above) can be taught to operate a washer. Have them gather up their wet sheets in the morning and pop them in the washer. You can even preset the thing for them. I can assure you that wearing a wet diaper is not a bit uncomfortable once accustomed. A diaper is actually more comfortable wet then dry. Wetting a diaper is much easier than getting out of bed to pee. If you put your 12 year old kid in a diaper for bed, it's as good as wet. Disposables with the special stay dry lining and polymer don't even feel wet. Putting your kid in diapers is throwing in the towel. I am willing to bet that most kids fully regress to full time wetting once diapers are used (Denises is already soiling). Read the polls too (although the adult babies are probably messing that up). It doesn't take long at all to develope an attachment to being diapered. I recall feeling humilitated for about a month. Then I remember feeling like a baby for a month or so after that. Soon, all that was replaced by humiliation and babying fantasies that continue to this day. Now, I relive it as though it were a treasured memory. I know I sound seriously screwed up, but I am normal in every other respect. I just have an unbreakable attachment to diapers that makes my social life very difficult. I'm not suicidal, don't hate my mom and I'm not angry like Tom thinks. I just see others sending their kid down a very rough road. That pisses me off. Im summary. Tell your kid bedwetting is common and typically goes away. Until then, have your kid assume responsibility for the clean up. Make it a chore that eats in to his free time but doesn't appear as punishment. This will allow him some self respect while not fostering humiliation or dependancy. A child is much more likely to work hard at becoming dry if it means less bother for them. Denise needs to see a therapist. Her kid is soiling because mom has told her to be a baby again.