Reply from Mr John(Papa), Child's Age xx - 3/2/03 - IP#:

Matt: There may be a couple to 3 reasons why you are not getting a reply to your question. Mainly, you are asking about a not yet 4yr old having a potty training issue, and not an outstanding school issue. This site deals with considerably older children and parents who are in need of some advice. If you are there now as we speak or are anticipating a problem, I will not find fault with your concern. But we know that generally speaking, a 4yr old is not Kindergarten aged, though she or he may register in advance of certain age cut-offs. So there is some doubt as to the real concern of the question you posed. Now, that aside, yours is a post that I believe some good MOMS out there should respond to since they are typically closer to such isues. But none have elected to offer any response, at least yet...I would invite them to do so should they read this. And for a final detail, most anyone would need some more information just to get the whole picture together. Does this little boy or girl have a nighttime problem as well, and what does mommy and you do for the youngster to cope with the circumstances now? It is not possible to reasonably comment, as I said earlier, on a potty training issue that is not yet a problem UNLESS THERE IS ONE that you did not inquire about. There are exceptions to every case and I would be the first to acknowledge that and ask you to pardon me for not understanding......Hope you get some help from this and post again if you need more specific replies to the issue. Regards....Mr j