Reply from Tom, Child's Age 10/15/19 - 2/7/03 - IP#:

Brad,My 15 yr old did this when he was about 9 or 10 however we did not put a nappy on him to relieve himself we gave him structural encouragement perhaps he is afraid of the noise of the toilet flush or is even a fraid of the toilet will he urinate in the toilet? if so then he could have had a bad experience have you asked him why he wont use a toilet to defacate It needs to be handled with tendernessTell him he is not a baby he is a big boy big boys use the toilet to have a bowel movement But obvious ly use terminology that he is able to understand at his level! patience understandingsitting down with him spending time with him to find out the root problem! he could have a phobia about toilets ie; sitting on it! etc hope this may be of some help!