Reply from molly, Child's Age 11 - 1/17/03 - IP#:

I have to agree with Sharon, after having our 11 yr old checked out by a doctor and found nothing wrong a parent has to try different approaches to the wetting problem. Our son refused to take the sheets to the washer in the morning and will not wear a bedwetting alarm. So I went out and bought a cork board and a calander. I also bought the large cloth diapers at wal mart and a bag of baby diaper pins. I make him wear small depends at night which he hates. If they are dry in the morning he gets a smilie face pasted on the calander and rewarded with something he would like to do. If he is wet he earns a diaper pin which I pin on the calander. Each pin counts for three hours. I count up the pins on friday for the total number of hours. The total diaper pin hours must be worked off by wareing pined double diapers and plastic pants during the day on weekends. Its best to use the cloth because he must come to you when he has to use the bathroom. This means he has to submit to being changed every time he goes to the bathroom. It may be a lot of work for you however the child gets sick of having to do this throughout the day. We found weekend daytime diapering is very motivating. I have reduced the wetting from every night to two or three times a week. He will learn very fast the he will have to wear them even if you go out in public on the weekends. Its best to have several pants with elastic waist bands to accomadate the double diapering. You can use a small spiral note book to cross off time worked off or as the three hour time sets are worked off you can go to the calander together and let him see you remove the diaper pin. If anyone has any ideas to fine tune this discipline please let me know.