Reply from Tom, Child's Age 10/15/19 - 1/4/03 - IP#:

Dear John, I respectfully apologise for upsetting you, however I must explain that I am a parent and I do have three children of my own and in fact a 23 yr old stepson and my childrens ages are in the "your childs age box" I am also a grandfather to two granchildren so as yourself I do have experiance of parenting a child I am sorry for my ignorance but what do you mean by nuances? the statement I made to Sharon was that if she had a washing machine then there was not really a problem as she could wash the sheets in the washing machine!and unless she had a tumble dryer, that would be the only problem to her drying the sheets and pj's . And 2. she mentioned about her girlfriend saying to force the child into diapers which is abuse if a parent physically forces the child to do something they dont want to do i.e; put on a diaper physically forcing them!.Then that would constitute abuse!. 3. my personal questions were not to pry into this ladies personal life! but, to try and see if there were some underlying problems!I hope this has helped smooth over your unhappiness of my previous posting to Sharon and if Sharon does read this posting I hope that she will understand that I was not getting at her personally! . may I take this opportunity to wish John and Sharon and in fact everyone on this board a very happy new Year best wishes, Tom