The New Kids Chat Room
Please wait until the green area appears below.  It should appear in less than one minute!  Please read Chat Rules.  Type your firstname.  Click "Connect".  Instructions are below.
The New Wetbusters Kids Chat Room requires a Java Compatible web browser to run.
If you have difficulties connecting, please click here for help.
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 Chat Room Instructions
  • To select your character, like a bear, click on "SETTINGS". Scroll left or right on the pictures, click on the one you want. Then click "SAVE".
  • Type your message in the lower box and then click "SEND".
  • To request a private chat with someone, just double click on that person's name in the list of names on the right side of the chat room. A little private chat room window will then come up in the left corner.
  • When someone else requests a private chat with you, a tan-highlighted message comes up in the main window, with "Single click on this message to reply". Just click on that message, and a private chat window will come up in the left corner.
  • To block messages from a bad user, single click on the user's name, then click on the "no ear" picture above the list of users.