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From Amy, Age 17 - 5/25/00  Click here to reply
I just started wetting the bed a couple of weeks ago. I don't know what to do. I'm really popular, cheerleader, basketball player, and i'm on the student council. I would really hate for someone to find out. It used to be I would just leak a little at night so i started to wear a tampon at night and that worked! But then I started soaking the sheets. So now I wear a pullup at night. I really need some help!
Reply from deepti, Age 35 - 2/28/04
Reply from richard, Age 15 - 2/17/01
Reply from Chris, Age 17 - 2/6/01
Reply from Amy, Age 17
Reply from Christina, Age Almost 17
Reply from mandy, Age 15
Reply from David, Age 16

From Rachel, Age 20 - 5/23/00  Click here to reply
Paul, this is Rachel, I got your message and I'm sorry, but at the same time comforted to know that you are in the same position as me. It really blows my mind that I'm not alone. I'd love to keep in touch with you, my e-mail adress is bouncyjiggler@hotmail.com Hope to hear from you, Love Rachel

From kevin, Age 15 - 5/23/00  Click here to reply
i wet the bed all my life,iwear goodnites,depens,and plastic pants.my mom makes me wear them to school she gave my nurse a couple of the diapers. i felt very embaressed that my nurse knew that i wear diapers.i even tried pills but they didn't work.
Reply from ???, Age 12 - 2/24/02
Reply from kristo, Age 12

From Mike, Age 16 - 5/22/00  Click here to reply
Just like the rest of you i also wet the bed, but i also poop. I have to wear a diaper all the time. during the day and night. i have no control what so ever. Whats been really bad is that i've been in diapers my whole life. My parents dont let me change myself dress myself, or bathe myself. I dont know what to do. If anyone has any advice please email me at mike6640@yahoo.com
Reply from Holly, Age 27 - 2/2/02
Reply from Vince, Age 23

From john, Age 26 - 5/22/00  Click here to reply
hi. i'm 26 years old and have wet all my life. i'm beginning to think it will never end. i've tried everything: pills, alarms, herbal remedies, setting my alarm for part way through the night, psychotherapy, everything. it's really making me depressed. i'm afraid to date because if anything gets serious, i'm sure my girlfriend would end up finding out and would probably run for the hills. i feel like such a baby sometimes. i still live with my parents because i can't afford to move out. they've given up all hope and won't even talk to me if i bring up the subject. i'm the big family secret. no one else in my extended family knows and my parents have made it very clear that they are not to find out! i feel like some sort of forbidden disease. i have no support other than from my doctor and therapist. i can't even have a social life...all my extra cash is wrapped up in buying adult diapers for myself. someone please give me some advice. thanks. i do not have the internet of my own. i have to use the one at the library. so, my surfing time is very limited. but i'll check back for sure to see if there are any replies.
Reply from BERNIE, Age 26 - 1/14/01
Reply from Juergen, Age 38 - 8/21/00
Reply from shawn, Age 25
Reply from David, Age 16

From David, Age 16 - 5/19/00  Click here to reply
I recently became dry, but I love to help others with this, please respond if you want me to help you.
Reply from Ashley, Age 12 - 11/28/00
Reply from Oreo, Age 15
Reply from TJ, Age 10
Reply from john, Age 11
Reply from kristo, Age 12
Reply from john, Age 26

From kristo, Age 1212I' - 5/18/00  Click here to reply
me and my brother greg, 8, both wear pampers, goodnites, in the day and diapers at nite, We would both like to do sleepovers and scouts. Anyone with any esperience doing these things?
Reply from BERNIE, Age 26 - 1/14/01

From dylan, Age 12 - 5/14/00  Click here to reply
i am 12 years old. i am really scared. my mom and dad said that starting tonight they were going to put me back into diapers for bedtime. Cuse i wet my bed everynight. i ahve a baby brother and i dont' want ot have to wear diapers like him. they ordered a buch of big sized stuff for me and it looks just like baby stuff. does anyone else have to do this my age.
Reply from ???, Age 12 - 2/24/02
Reply from jy, Age 16 - 9/19/01
Reply from matt, Age 11 - 2/5/01
Reply from Linus, Age 13
Reply from gerald, Age 13
Reply from Mike, Age 16
Reply from kristo, Age 12It
Reply from Vince, Age 23
Reply from sadie, Age 13
Reply from stu, Age 15

From mark, Age 15 - 5/10/00  Click here to reply
Ive been a bedwetter most of my life, i wear goodnights and sometimes attends youth or depends small. I would like to find a girl penpal who understand i would like to penpal. email me at bedwet1985@aol.com
Reply from Vince, Age 23

From Conor, Age 10 - 5/9/00  Click here to reply
I wet the bed every once in a while. I ordered a alarm.
Reply from ben, Age 14 - 5/1/02
Reply from Vince, Age 23

From jeff, Age 15 - 5/8/00  Click here to reply
my mom changes my diapers even when i ask her not to she says i wet my pants like a baby she'll treat me like a baby! can anyone help! email me at bigjeff15@yahoo.com
Reply from deepti, Age 35 - 2/28/04
Reply from Kristan, Age 13 - 6/8/02
Reply from Holly, Age 27 - 2/2/02
Reply from randy, Age 14 - 2/26/01
Reply from gerald, Age 13
Reply from doug, Age 12
Reply from doug, Age 12
Reply from Vince, Age 23

From John, Age 13 - 5/8/00  Click here to reply
Somebody please e-mail me if you would like to talk to me about bedwetting and diapers. johnkbowen@cs.com
Reply from kristo, Age 12
Reply from Vince, Age 23

From Heather, Age 14 - 5/6/00  Click here to reply
i have been a bedwetter for as long as i can remember. i wet the bed every night and during th day to, but not every day. i have to wear dipaers every night and every day, and i hate them cuz they are so babyish.i can't wear the goodnites cuz they leak too much, so i have to wear the adult diapers, which are soooooo bulky. i can't go to sleepovers and stuff cuz i know my friends will find out, its kin of hard to miss the diaper. smaller ones don't work though, so i am stuck with them. i tried everything, the pills, the alarm, hynosis, everything, and i still wet the bed every night, and during the day, too. i try really hard not to, but it doesn't work. i don't feel it when i have to go, and it just comes out. is there anyone that can recommend anything? anyone that has been there?
Reply from ???, Age 12 - 2/24/02
Reply from Jim, Age 15 - 7/6/01
Reply from krosto, Age 12
Reply from kristo, Age 12
Reply from David, Age 16
Reply from Matt, Age 18

From Rachel, Age 20 - 5/2/00  Click here to reply
Hi, my name is Rachel, I've been secretly living life as a bedwetter for as long as I can remember. I've never told my best friends. At sleepovers I remember I just stay up the entire night. I feel sooooo abnormal to still have this problem, and it has made my life extremely difficult. I've tried everything anyone has suggested, and nothing has worked. I now have a man who wants to marry me, but their is no way I could tell him my problem. This has become a major barrier in my life and I feel like it's too late for me to outgrow it now, at this age. Are their other people my age with the same problem?
Reply from iris, Age 21
Reply from john, Age 18
Reply from john, Age 18
Reply from Kirt, Age 31
Reply from alice, Age 17
Reply from Paul, Age 24

From jason, Age 12 - 4/20/00  Click here to reply
HI, my name is jason, i am 12 and i still wet the bed. I use goodnites for sleepovers and depends the rest of the time, cause goodnites leak too much. I hope i stop wetting the bed soon. I hope i meet other kids who wet the bed here, i live in CA.
Reply from mike, Age 12 - 10/8/00
Reply from Vince, Age 23
Reply from Vince, Age 23
Reply from John, Age 13

From Stu, Age 15 - 4/17/00  Click here to reply
I'm a constant bedwetter who uses goodnites. I live in North Carolina and want to know if there is anyone else in NC who bedwets. E-mail me at Stubw@hotmail.com
Reply from Boyce, Age 19 - 10/7/00

From Damian, Age 16 - 4/16/00  Click here to reply
I come from S.A and have been wetting my bed since i was born. I have tried nappies nasal spray tablets. If there is anyone who wants to chat or reply to give help,please do. You can also mail me at frosty_ice100@hotmail.com
Reply from Conor, Age 10
Reply from Vince, Age 23

From Sara, Age 14 - 4/15/00  Click here to reply
Hi I'm Sara - I still wet my bed a lot. I wanna talk to other girls who wet ( my age older or younger) With my friends I can't talk about bedwetting - but on e-mail it is easy please write me at Sara_b51@Hotmail.com
Reply from Kayla, Age 14 - 6/8/02
Reply from mandy, Age 15
Reply from Amy, Age 17
Reply from Brie, Age 15
Reply from alice, Age 17
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