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From Paul, Age 10 - 7/3/01 - IP#:  Click here to reply
I know someone who wears nappies becuse he wets the bed and i wet the bed should i wear nappies
Reply from myatta, Age 10 - 3/8/02 - IP#: 216.126.172.xxx
Reply from jack, Age 12 - 1/16/02 - IP#: 62.7.161.xxx
Reply from DASH, Age 11 - 8/15/01 - IP#:
Reply from daz, Age 11 - 7/8/01 - IP#:

From Alessandro, Age 12 -  - IP#:  Click here to reply
Ciao, sono alessandro e sono disperato. ho 12 anni e da quando avevo 8 anni ho ricominciato a fare la pipi addosso e da alcuni mesi mi capita di fare addosso anche la cacca. La mamma ormai mi fa ormai indossare il pannolino tutto il giorno anche se io non voglio perchè i miei amici mi prendono in giro e mi chiamano piscione o cacone. la mia e-mail è: alelima45@hotmail.com
Reply from Marco, Age 15 - 8/28/01 - IP#:
Reply from senoir, Age 16 - 8/3/01 - IP#:

From Brandon, Age 12 - 7/2/01 - IP#:  Click here to reply
I wet my bed and sometimes have wet and messy accidents during the day. I wear luvs size 6 and my mom changes me. A week ago my mom took me into the womens rest room and changed me on the changing talble. It was very embarrasing. In school my teacher checks me every hour to see if I am still dry and I get changed in the nurses office on a changing table. Alot of kids make fun of me and call me names. The doctor says that I will grow out of it but its been 1 year and no improvments. I hope that I grow out of it soon.
Reply from kelli, Age 20 - 1/24/03 - IP#: 209.240.198.xxx
Reply from ?????, Age 12 - 2/4/02 - IP#: 152.163.207.xxx
Reply from Nicholas, Age 12 - 12/3/01 - IP#:
Reply from m, Age 13 - 9/24/01 - IP#:
Reply from Rohan, Age 20 - 8/16/01 - IP#:
Reply from john, Age 15 - 7/13/01 - IP#:
Reply from Chad, Age 13 - 7/7/01 - IP#:
Reply from Chad, Age 13 - 7/3/01 - IP#:

From Daniela, Age 11 - 7/2/01 - IP#:  Click here to reply
Hallo ich heiße Daniela, ich bin 11 Jahre alt und habe seit meiner Geburt ein Bettnässerproblem. Bis jetzt war es nicht schlimm, weil ich abends immer Windeln bekommen habe. Aber jetzt ist meine Freundin mit ihren Eltern in eine andere Stadt gezogen. Jetzt haben wir uns abgemacht das ich und noch zwei andere Freundinnen in vier Wochen wenn ihre Eltern fertig sind mit dem Umzug, bei ihr ein Wochenende schlafen, weil sie jetzt so weit weg wohnen. Ich freue mich eigentlich schon sehr darauf, doch was ist wenn sie meine Pampers sehen? Ein elfjähriges Mädchen darf doch nicht mehr ins Bett machen. Und ohne Windeln geht es nicht weil ich bis jetzt fast jede Nacht ins Bett gemacht hab. Wie kann ich meine Windeln verstecken, ohne das meine Freundinnen sie sehen? Was kann ich sonst tun? Ich möchte so gerne zu meiner Freundin! Bitte helft mir schnell!
Reply from Kyle, Age 16 - 7/5/01 - IP#:
Reply from Maren, Age 16 - 7/3/01 - IP#:

From Julie, Age 12 - 7/2/01 - IP#:  Click here to reply
I used to have accidents until I was 5/6 years old because I have a small bladder and because I felt too late I had to go. Then I learned to be dry by going often to the bathroom. Some monts ago I started having day time accidents again (I always have wetting problems when I sleep but not very often. I always wear diapers during the night but they are dry most nights). Now I wear pull ups during the day too. A girl of my class noticed and now everybody makes fun of me (pulling up my skirt and so). My mother says this is costing a lot of money and is bad for the environment and says she is going to buy cloth diapers and plastic pants. Shee has not done it yet but I think she is serious about it. My question is , : does anybody know why this happens to so many kids of our age. Our doctor doesn't. Has anybody an explanation ?
Reply from talyor, Age 14 - 2/13/04 - IP#: 207.6.46.xxx
Reply from Kaitlyn, Age 11 - 5/19/02 - IP#: 209.52.71.xxx
Reply from Chase, Age 16 - 7/12/01 - IP#:
Reply from christine, Age 15 - 7/4/01 - IP#:
Reply from julie, Age 12 - 7/4/01 - IP#:
Reply from Christine, Age 15 - 7/3/01 - IP#:

From Bobby , Age 16 - 7/1/01 - IP#:  Click here to reply
Alex age 11 i read your message dates 6/18 about how tyour teacher embarrassed the heck ut of you. You must be hurting real bad. Please, e-mail me at bobbyslink@aol.com if you would like to talk about your embarressing experinces. I will listen to you. Your friend - Bobby -

From Emily, Age 13 - 6/30/01 - IP#:  Click here to reply
Does anyone know the name (or sites where i can find) of famous people who wear diapers like us? Please answer! Thank you
Reply from Jake, Age 10 - 7/9/01 - IP#:
Reply from Ben, Age 13 - 7/6/01 - IP#:

From Manuel, Age 13 - 6/30/01 - IP#:  Click here to reply
Hy my name is Manuel, i´m a 13 year old daywetter and bedwetter from Germany. I need E-mailfriends. If it´s possible please write in German, but my English is very bad. My E-mailadresse is kaisermanuel@hotmail.com. Please write!

From manos, Age 19 - 6/30/01 - IP#:  Click here to reply

From matthew peri, Age 16 - 6/30/01 - IP#:  Click here to reply
hi i am a bedwetter i only wet the bed at night but my mothewr says that i am a baby so she makes me wear diapers during the day she changes me in public in Front oF other people and she has my sisters change me they are 15 and 17 my they amke Fun oF me And laugh at me all the time until i cry then they even change me in ront oF thier riends i hate it it is so embarassing
Reply from jhon, Age 13 - 12/4/03 - IP#: 203.164.106.xxx
Reply from jhon, Age 13 - 12/4/03 - IP#: 203.164.106.xxx
Reply from mark, Age 13 - 4/28/02 - IP#: 63.210.215.xxx
Reply from CodeRed, Age 12 - 11/25/01 - IP#:
Reply from joe, Age ? - 8/12/01 - IP#:

From Jack, Age 13 - 6/30/01 - IP#:  Click here to reply
Hi im jack i have just sated wetting the bed about a week ago and i have not told my parents i have been down the supermarket but there all to small i did buy some huggies pull-ups but there just such a squeeze but thats not all ive started to wee in the day i did it twice where can i get some nappies my size and what shall i do please e-mail me on rudeboyhopson2k@aol.com
Reply from mikeal, Age 12 - 8/4/01 - IP#:
Reply from Toni, Age 19 - 7/22/01 - IP#:
Reply from julie, Age 12 - 7/2/01 - IP#:

From Max, Age 15 - 6/28/01 - IP#:  Click here to reply
Hi. My Max and I would like to find somebody to talk to, like back-and-forth through email. I am lavba90@yahoo.com, and would enjoy talking to anyone anytim. I live in the US, California. Thank You.
Reply from jay, Age 15 - 7/9/01 - IP#:

From Jenn, Age ?? - 6/28/01 - IP#:  Click here to reply
Hi I wet the bed and my mom doesn't want me to wet anymore so she put me in diapers for about a week. When that didn't work, she made me go to the bathroom before I went to bed and then after that it still didn't work and she got mad at me and spanked me. What should I do?
Reply from bab, Age 15 - 4/17/03 - IP#: 206.244.6.xxx
Reply from hello, Age 13 - 2/12/02 - IP#: 65.129.52.xxx
Reply from anne, Age 11 - 8/6/01 - IP#:
Reply from anne, Age 11 - 8/6/01 - IP#:
Reply from jennifer, Age 17 - 8/3/01 - IP#:

From Sean, Age 17 - 6/27/01 - IP#:  Click here to reply
I am a 17 yars old boy wets the bed at night and also wear diapers to. When wearing the diapers it makes me feel like a big baby.
Reply from mike, Age 15 - 5/26/03 - IP#: 68.102.103.xxx
Reply from Fred, Age 22 - 8/21/01 - IP#:
Reply from Sam, Age 15 - 7/3/01 - IP#:
Reply from john, Age 15 - 6/28/01 - IP#:
Reply from greg, Age 14 - 6/28/01 - IP#:

From Candy Confetti, Age 14 - 6/27/01 - IP#:  Click here to reply
Hi, I do not wet the bed but I would like to wish you all good luck with your bed wetting or daytime wetting and for all of you to remember that you are a wonderful, unique human being and that there is nothing wrong with you. For those of you who are being treated like babies, you need to go get help from someone whether it is a school counseler, doctor, trusted friend, or relative. It is a form of child abuse if your parents are treating you like a baby and they do not have the right to do that, so please get help.I am willing to offer support to anyone who would like some support, my e-mail address is candyconfetti04@hotmail.comGood luck. :)
Reply from donna, Age 13 - 2/22/02 - IP#: 194.106.149.xxx

From matthew, Age 12 - 6/26/01 - IP#:  Click here to reply
Hi shortly after my 12 birthday i started wetting the bed and having wet dreams at the same time. At first I only did it a few times in a mounth but it gradually grew until i was wetting the bed every night and I even wet and messed my pants during the day a couple of times after about 6 mounths my mum put me in nappies and wouldn't let me take them off at all she just simple said that I could go to the toilet in the nappies until I could tell her exactly when I was going to go to the toilet, so now I am doing basically all my toilettries in nappies. I wouldn't mind this as much but I now have to sleep in the same bed as my sister who is 14 because she also has the same problem instead of in my old room with my bros, 10, and my mum changes me usually in full public, ie in the bit of house she is at the time, she has even got some of her friends to change me before. I don't want my mum to see me naked let alone her freinds. What do I do? if i say anything she just says its my own doing and thinks that im arguing with her and she spanks me. please give me some advice. (especially those in England Beds)
Reply from bab, Age 15 - 4/17/03 - IP#: 206.244.6.xxx
Reply from jim, Age 17 - 8/14/01 - IP#:
Reply from dan, Age 15 - 7/14/01 - IP#:
Reply from Christine, Age 15 - 7/7/01 - IP#:
Reply from jack, Age 13 - 7/4/01 - IP#:
Reply from jill, Age 18 - 6/28/01 - IP#:

From tim, Age 12 - 6/24/01 - IP#:  Click here to reply
I have always wet the bed, but lately in the day I will get these sudden urges and then it will be too late and my pants will be wet and soiled. why is this happening now?
Reply from kelli, Age 20 - 1/24/03 - IP#: 209.240.198.xxx
Reply from julie, Age 12 - 7/2/01 - IP#:

From Richy, Age 14 - 6/24/01 - IP#:  Click here to reply
What Kind of DIAPERS whould come in my size i weigh 125 lbs and i am about 5'5" i really need to know i have a big problem
Reply from shane, Age 16 - 6/25/01 - IP#:

From danny, Age 15 - 6/23/01 - IP#:  Click here to reply
Hey Guys!!! This is a great site, but I think this BB would be better if the messages were moderated(read) before they were posted. This would get rid of the wierdo's, cuz they would quickly see that no one would be reading their rubbish. I'd glady wait a day or two to see my post. It might also make it easier for the WiZ, less dumb stories to read. Wadda YA think?
Reply from Jake, Age 10 - 7/9/01 - IP#:
Reply from Presidents daughter, Age 14 - 7/5/01 - IP#:
Reply from Kyle, Age 16 - 6/26/01 - IP#:

From Richie, Age 14 - 6/22/01 - IP#:  Click here to reply
Where can i buy dipers for myself????????? e-mail me at Sk8man2100@prodigy.net
Reply from Lee, Age 18 - 3/5/03 - IP#: 195.93.33.xxx
Reply from billy, Age 13 - 6/27/01 - IP#:
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