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From Grandpa, Age 65 - 3/15/01 - IP#:  Click here to reply
My 13 year oldgrandson was using my computer for school work I thought but when he had gone I checked the sites he had visited since I don't have a filter on mine. I found he had visited yoursite and I thought I'd see if anyone has any good ideas.I have 6 grandchildren,4 by my daughter and 2 by my son. My daughter has 4 boys, twins who are l5, another boy who is l3 and was the one using the computer and an 8 year old. The 15 year old twins and the l3 year old wet the bed just about every night. I would guess they have not had 10 dry nights combined in the last year. The 8 year old has been dry since he was 3.The boys all have to wear diapers and plastic pants at night so of course that limits their activities. They used to be big in athletics but they have quit because they ar afraid that their friends will find out they still wet the bed. The family has gone through all the medication, alarms,food and drink limitations snf we are all at wits end. I know the boys are all unhappy about it. The only clue we have is that my son-in-law said that he had a sister who wet the bed until she was about 10, but that doesn't explain 15 and 13 year olds.If you have any ideas please resond.
Reply from dana, Age 12 - 12/10/01 - IP#:
Reply from helper, Age ? - 10/23/01 - IP#:
Reply from karen, Age 13 - 6/18/01 - IP#:
Reply from jack, Age 34 - 3/24/01 - IP#:
Reply from Kenny, Age 17 - 3/17/01 - IP#:
Reply from john, Age 17 - 3/15/01 - IP#:

From ashley, Age 17 - 3/14/01 - IP#:  Click here to reply
hi, ive been a bedwetter my entire life , my little sisters age 12 and 15 were potty trained by age 3 they have never wet at night , i wasnt day trained til age 6 ive been in diapers at night all my life , i dont know any other girls who are bedwetters , so if any of the girls who have posted or or are reading this please write me at, mich_rocks2001@webtv.net ashley
Reply from Greg, Age 14 - 10/11/01 - IP#:
Reply from Greg, Age 14 - 10/11/01 - IP#:
Reply from autumn, Age 16 - 6/11/01 - IP#:
Reply from Michelle, Age 16Hi - 6/8/01 - IP#:
Reply from steve, Age 17 - 1/2/98 - IP#:
Reply from jimmi, Age 13 - 3/15/01 - IP#:
Reply from ?¿, Age 15 - 3/15/01 - IP#:

From Alexs, Age 14 - 3/11/01 - IP#:  Click here to reply
I wear diapers. I was at a school dance dancing with my boyfriend. I told him to go get somethimg to drink and he did. While he was gone, I did the dance call the dip and I had a dress on. After the dance, one of my friends came up to me and asked me did I have on a diaper because she had saw the diaper print through my dress. I told her what happened and yes and I said dont't tell my boyfriend. She didn't. Now what shall I do because there is another school dance on this friday?
Reply from JASMINE, Age 10 - 6/9/04 - IP#: 66.217.205.xxx
Reply from benny, Age 16 - 8/28/03 - IP#: 205.213.113.xxx
Reply from Kiera, Age 19 - 4/27/02 - IP#: 64.152.167.xxx
Reply from Michelle, Age 16 - 6/11/01 - IP#:
Reply from kimby, Age 15 - 3/16/01 - IP#:
Reply from Amanda , Age 15 - 3/12/01 - IP#:

From mattbradley, Age 14 - 3/10/01 - IP#:  Click here to reply
hi im matt i hav the same problem of wetting iv benabieil to cach my shelf for the last five years but sumtimes i pee my pants and im to sceard to tell my mom.and to mack it wers im allwase being calld names licke stupid and jack ass and im aliwase being betup at school and the theachers dont care.iv had a bad lifeim faling school and im afrad of wetting my pants at school iv tride dipers weth my an money i dont no how much longer i can cepe it up please help me or be my frend i only got one frend who livs 8 hwers away please help
Reply from vic, Age 20 - 12/6/01 - IP#:
Reply from Rick, Age 13 - 3/10/01 - IP#:

From Cassie, Age 12 - 3/7/01 - IP#:  Click here to reply
Hello, I am so glad that I found this place. I am 12 years old and just started to wet again. My mom has me in diapers and says I will stay in them to i stop doing this. I know have been in diapers for 2 weeks now. Please like to here from others, advice opinions and so on. I have been wearing Pampers and Luvs but would like to know what others are good or prefered. I dont want to wear diapers anymore I want to stop, please if any addvice to help me please. Please i hope people will respond to my post or email me thanks everyone a_girl_in_pampers2001@yahoo.com
Reply from Greg, Age 14 - 10/11/01 - IP#:
Reply from Brandon, Age 12 - 7/2/01 - IP#:
Reply from Phoenix, Age 12 - 4/20/01 - IP#:
Reply from Mandy, Age 14 - 3/18/01 - IP#:

From Alexes, Age 12 - 3/2/01 - IP#:  Click here to reply
I wet the bed. I have to wear diapers. Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply from mr., Age 15 - 8/27/01 - IP#:
Reply from joey, Age 12 - 3/3/01 - IP#:

From samu, Age 20 - 3/2/01 - IP#:  Click here to reply
ho avuto un'idea, se ti va.... allora, pensavo che potresti lasciare il computer dai tuoi, e andare da loro il sabato x collergarti con me! sarebbe il nostro appuntamento fisso al sabato x stare insieme. cosa ne pensi? ps: leggi il messaggio che ti ho lascaito qui sotto
Reply from Bernardo, Age 21 - 3/3/01 - IP#:
Reply from Bernardo, Age 21 - 3/2/01 - IP#:

From samuela, Age 20 - 3/2/01 - IP#:  Click here to reply
ciao, purtroppo non sono sicura di esserci sabato pomeriggio...ci proverò!!!!comunque ci sono sabato mattina alle 10.15 circa.se puoi vieni...please!!!! baci samu

From samuela, Age 20 - 3/1/01 - IP#:  Click here to reply
ciao sono molto contenta che mi hai scritto, spero davvero con tutto il,cuore di incontrarti in chat, perchè ancora non me la sento di prendere il telefono, ho solo bisogno di in po di tempo. ti prego cerca di venire sabato. ti aspetto alle 15.30, spero che tu riesca ad esserci, in caso contrario ti aspetterò anche nei prossimi giorni e ci lasceremo messaggi nella message board. ti aspetto
Reply from Bernardo, Age 21 - 3/2/01 - IP#:

From *****, Age 14 - 3/1/01 - IP#:  Click here to reply
I need help, I started wetting about 4 nights ago and i have wet 3 out of 4 nights. yesterday i got some nappies for my self but thay dont realy fit. Dose anyone no of a bigger sise. (i dont want to use pull ups bacuase when my mum or dad wants me i hafto take off the nappy realy fast and go find out what thay wont) Can someone please tell me weather or not i should tell my perents. I realy dont want to and i have two older brothers. I have never wet in my life. please email me william_wallice_2000@yahoo.com I realy need help fast.
Reply from curtis norwood, Age 17 - 8/12/01 - IP#:
Reply from jy, Age 16 - 7/18/01 - IP#:
Reply from chris, Age 16 - 6/11/01 - IP#:
Reply from Aex, Age 17 - 3/15/01 - IP#:

From samuela, Age 20 - 2/27/01 - IP#:  Click here to reply
ti aspetto sabato alle 15.30....vieni se vuoi chattare ancora con me. oppure cercherò di esser in chat venerdi sempre dalle 15.30. ti aspetto
Reply from Bernardo, Age 21 - 2/27/01 - IP#:

From samuela, Age 20 - 2/27/01 - IP#:  Click here to reply
ti ho aspettato x tutta la mattina e tutto ilpomeriggio dalle 10 alle 12.30 e dalle 15.00 alle 18.00, senza muovermi dalla chat, pensavo che anche tu ci tenessi ad incontrarmi!!

From samuela, Age 20 - 2/27/01 - IP#:  Click here to reply
sono rimasta in chat sabato x tutto il giorno!!!! ma non sei venuto cosa devo pensare?!!!!!

From Mike, Age 15 - 2/27/01 - IP#:  Click here to reply
I am 15 and am a bedwetter. I have recently been to the doctor cos I noiw have a pooping problem. He has told my parents to give me an enema everyday (this is when they put water up your bum with a hose.)My problem is that my mum does it and i feel really embarrassed about it also she puts my diaper on right after I have it and i always end up pooping my diaper . I only used to wear a diaper at nite for wetting.Now i spend most of my time after school in a diaper which is poopy. Yesterday I had a friend over and my mum still made me have an enema and wear a diaper .man I was so embarrassed. He saw everything as she even invited him into my room while she was doing it. Im cool about the diaper cos he already knew but i nearly died of shame when he saw me getting the enema and then she left the toilet door open while I went. What can I do .Im ashamed to even talk to him now Mike
Reply from vic , Age 20 - 12/6/01 - IP#:
Reply from vic , Age 20 - 12/6/01 - IP#:
Reply from ++++, Age 15 - 10/30/01 - IP#:
Reply from fred, Age 50 - 6/18/01 - IP#:
Reply from sammy, Age 9 - 2/27/01 - IP#:

From Lisa, Age 14 - 2/26/01 - IP#:  Click here to reply
hi, i wet the bed but i have to change the sheets every night, but i would rather wear diapers. how can i make my own diapers, cause my family doesnt have alot of money.
Reply from sarah , Age 11 - 5/5/01 - IP#:

From Darren, Age 13 - 2/24/01 - IP#:  Click here to reply
I have to wear nappies (diapers) 24/7 Because of my wetting and pooping problems. I would realy like to make friends with some of you with a simalar problem so as we can talk about it if you want you can e-mail me at darren3030@hotmail.com. thankyou.
Reply from karen, Age 12 - 6/18/01 - IP#:
Reply from Jan, Age 14 - 3/6/01 - IP#:
Reply from israel, Age 13 - 2/27/01 - IP#:

From Bernardo, Age 21 - 2/24/01 - IP#:  Click here to reply
PER SAMUELA: in chat non ci sei, messaggi non ne lasci.Ma se proprio di incontrarmi non te ne fregava niente, perchè non l' hai detto subito?Almeno non stavo a perdere tempo
Reply from Jake, Age 10 - 3/16/01 - IP#:
Reply from N/A, Age N/A - 2/26/01 - IP#:

From Chantel, Age 12 - 2/23/01 - IP#:  Click here to reply
Hey everyone, my name is Chantel. I'm 12 years old and in the 6th grade. I have a bedwetting problem like most of people. But mostly its just pee. Two days ago i was in pe class playing softball and had no idea that i had to go. I just started peeing. My mom makes me wear diapers all day. Usually pampers or huggies. Last night, my bed was still wet from the night before, so my mom made me sleep in a crib. She said that maybe i should sleep in a crib most of the time. Can anybody out there help me. Please e-mail me at lil_pampers_girl@yahoo.com. Thanx
Reply from ??????????, Age ?????????? - 3/7/04 - IP#: 65.69.87.xxx
Reply from jy, Age 16 - 7/18/01 - IP#:
Reply from mal, Age 16 - 6/27/01 - IP#:
Reply from michelle, Age 14 - 2/26/01 - IP#:
Reply from jessica, Age 14 - 2/23/01 - IP#:

From shara, Age 14 - 2/22/01 - IP#:  Click here to reply
i am 14 and i wet my bed every night. i wish that i could wear diapers to bed but my mom doesnt know. sometimes i wet my bed and the next night i have to sleep with dirty sheets becuase i dont want my mom to find out. should i by the diapers myself, or get my mom to buy them. What should i do?
Reply from steph, Age 14 - 4/26/01 - IP#:
Reply from Jessica, Age 15 - 2/23/01 - IP#:
Reply from Marty, Age 10 - 2/23/01 - IP#:
Reply from Amy, Age 17 - 2/22/01 - IP#:
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